If you've spent any time at all around pregnant women or in pop culture, chances are you've heard of some of the more common pregnancy symptoms - dizziness, morning sickness, stuffy nose, and sore breasts being the most common.
But did you know that there are a bunch of other less common, super strange symptoms that can arrive in the first trimester as well? When I was pregnant with my oldest, my sense of smell went all wacko - and not in the "she's sensitive to smells because she has morning sickness" way. Instead, certain scents were weirdly swapped out in my mind - melting plastic smelled like cinnamon rolls, popcorn smelled like eggs, and my cat smelled like oranges. It went away after a month or two, but I've never forgotten it!
Add these to your list of "whoa, I never knew pregnancy could do that!" things (don't worry, there are a ton more. Like did you know that you can develop brand new allergies just from giving birth? Lucky us!). Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Are there any that you'd add to the list? Share on the comments below so we can all be better prepared for what those challenging early months might bring!