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Struggling to workout around baby's schedule?

When I invite a brand new mama to attend Kangatraining, I’m aware that there are a lot of reasons for her to say “no thanks.”

Maybe she’s exhausted, or isn’t ready to return to exercise yet. Maybe she’s a bit shy, or self-conscious…or maybe it’s just not her thing.

But by far, the most common objection I hear from new moms is this…

“Oh, that doesn’t work with the baby’s schedule. Maybe in a few months.”

Now, let me be clear - I get it. I’ve experienced firsthand the horror of a delayed or skipped nap during the toddler years.

But let me tell you, mamas - if your kiddo is less than 4-6 months old, this is the easiest it’s ever going to be to do things with your baby.

Especially if it’s your first kiddo, it can be so easy to get caught up in the anxiety of needing a schedule. For our own comfort and convenience it would certainly be easier if our babies were predictable!

Plus, we have society breathing down our necks telling us that our babies should be on the clock…despite the fact that science tells us that’s not really how newborns work. 

The thing about babies is that they have absolutely no concept of a “schedule.” And even if, after a few weeks or months of effort, you manage to find some predictability…they’re going to change it up in a flash the next time they hit some sort of developmental milestone!

If you’re waiting for everything to line up perfectly in order to take care of yourself, here’s a secret - it’s not going to happen.

So instead of sidelining your own care and needs while waiting for this fantasy of predictability in baby’s first year, take advantage of their flexibility!

Enjoy some time making friends and moving your body while your baby is still able and willing to sleep anywhere, including their favorite place…on mom’s chest!

When you come to Kangatraining, you’ll give yourself the mental health boost, community support, and physical strength to tackle all the challenges motherhood has in store for you.

Our workouts are designed to be respectful of you AND your baby’s needs - every element is timed strategically to give your baby fun and bonding before being soothed to sleep so you can get in some ‘me-time’ - and no one will ever judge you for needing to feed or care for your baby during class. 

Plus, when you start the habit early, your child will grow up to be more adaptable and flexible, which will give you a ton more freedom in the long run.

Your needs matter too…and the sooner you both learn that, the better!

Trust me, when they’re still happily tagging along to Kangatraining to play and squat alongside you as a toddler, you’ll be so glad you didn’t wait!

Check out one of our in-person or virtual classes today and discover your new favorite way to workout.


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